- algorithm-specific
- алгоритмически (функционально) специализированныйSyn:function-specific
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. . 1998-2007.
Англо-русский толковый словарь терминов и сокращений по ВТ, Интернету и программированию. . 1998-2007.
Algorithm design — is a specific method to create a mathematical process in solving problems. Applied algorithm design is algorithm engineering.Algorithm design is identified and incorporated into many solution theories of operation research, such as dynamic… … Wikipedia
algorithm — [al′gə rith΄əm] n. [altered (after ARITHMETIC) < ALGORISM] 1. Math. a) any systematic method of solving a certain kind of problem b) the repetitive calculations used in finding the greatest common divisor of two numbers: called in full… … English World dictionary
Algorithm — Flow chart of an algorithm (Euclid s algorithm) for calculating the greatest common divisor (g.c.d.) of two numbers a and b in locations named A and B. The algorithm proceeds by successive subtractions in two loops: IF the test B ≤ A yields yes… … Wikipedia
Algorithm characterizations — The word algorithm does not have a generally accepted definition. Researchers are actively working in formalizing this term. This article will present some of the characterizations of the notion of algorithm in more detail. This article is a… … Wikipedia
algorithm — algorithmic, adj. /al geuh ridh euhm/, n. a set of rules for solving a problem in a finite number of steps, as for finding the greatest common divisor. [1890 95; var. of ALGORISM, by assoc. with Gk arithmós number. See ARITHMETIC] * * * Procedure … Universalium
algorithm — al•go•rithm [[t]ˈæl gəˌrɪð əm[/t]] n. 1) math. a set of rules for solving a problem in a finite number of steps, as for finding the greatest common divisor 2) cmp a sequence of steps designed for programming a computer to solve a specific problem … From formal English to slang
heuristic algorithm — algorithm that is based on empirical theory, algorithm that gives an effective solution for specific types of input … English contemporary dictionary
Rete algorithm — The Rete algorithm is an efficient pattern matching algorithm for implementing production rule systems. The Rete algorithm was designed by Dr Charles L. Forgy of Carnegie Mellon University, first published in a working paper in 1974, and later… … Wikipedia
Genetic algorithm — A genetic algorithm (GA) is a search heuristic that mimics the process of natural evolution. This heuristic is routinely used to generate useful solutions to optimization and search problems. Genetic algorithms belong to the larger class of… … Wikipedia
Search algorithm — In computer science, a search algorithm, broadly speaking, is an algorithm that takes a problem as input and returns a solution to the problem, usually after evaluating a number of possible solutions. Most of the algorithms studied by computer… … Wikipedia
Randomized algorithm — Part of a series on Probabilistic data structures Bloom filter · Skip list … Wikipedia